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How to get the promotion, praise, and pay, you deserve even if you have no connections, fancy Ivy League degrees, or prospects...

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While working (and stressing) less

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You can have the career of your dreams

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Burning out or selling out.

Are you making a $600,000 career mistake?​


Maybe you’re getting passed over for promotions (even when they have been promised to you)?




Maybe you’re struggling to get interviews… let alone a dream job offer, even when you know you’re the PERFECT candidate.




You’re settling for jobs where you’re underpaid, overworked and undervalued.


No matter where you have found yourself stuck, you need to take control of your career.


You just cannot afford to wait.


By holding back your awesomeness, you are leaving opportunities (and cash) on the table.



Would you read a book in the 1950s about how to be a housewife and expect it to skyrocket your career?


Would you leave your career options up to someone who does not care about you (like your worst nemisis)?


Would you prefer to listen to Chad say, “You just need to do this.” even every opportunity has handed to him on a silver platter? 


Would you expect someone to bet their career (or company) on you, when you aren’t totally sure about why you’re awesome?


...the struggle of facing becoming an SEO expert, conversion copywriting and content marketing all just to get a job.

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Why do you insist on playing by the rules that were designed not to get you ahead?



Following advice Don Draper would give won’t work.


Working more hours won’t earn you more esteem.


Making a point to blend in will ensure you never standout.


Not seeing your own value and potential will block everyone else from seeing it. 


Does that make sense?


This is not about knowing the color of your parachute


Or leaning in (or leaning out)


Or about playing the game flawlessly.


It’s about embracing how you are exceptional so that you can defy gravity in your career.


And getting the right guidance that actually works & is authentic AF...

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The outcome of the last few months: our BS thresholds are at subzero. You are ready to demand more for your life and your career.


69% of employees are experiencing burnout working from home (i.e. all of the hours on shit that doesn’t accelerate their careers)


We’re still at record level unemployment rate, and if you don't know what makes you competitionless, well... the competition is fierce.


In the month of September 2020 alone, +800k women dropped out of the workforce. You can’t be next.


The fastest track to job security is by making yourself indispensable...


The Corporate Chad: The odds are forever in his favor, and his trajectory is directly tied to the predominantly male leadership team either relating to him or wanting to be like him (no middle ground).

The LinkedInfluncer:  Sure, some great people and great advice are there (I’m friends with a lot of them!), but often the content that gets the likes, shares and accolades too often falls into one of two categories: it’s fluff or it’s bro-vice for broey bro’s.

The Sensei: They proclaimeth all of your problems to be: mindset. Not inequity. Not toxic masculinity. Not lack of clarity. It’s simply the that you’re not manifesting. Time to meditate!

The Know It All: Emboldened by working on an HR or recruiting team, they think they are defacto experts on career success - which explains why their own answer is to every career obstacle is to get yourself a shiny new job.

The Fraud: Exhibiting their authority through complexity, they present as experts, but they offer nothing of substance other than telling you about the problem you know you have... and leaving you with a hypothesis instead of a solution.

5 ways your career (and life) are about

THIS IS YOU: Getting praise pings and expert opinion requests on slack because everyone knows your brain is one that must be picked before important decisions are made.


THIS IS YOU: OMG-envy-inducing *pinch me is this real* opportunities just land in your lap.


THIS IS YOU: You have a success squad bragging about you 24/7 (not just your mom, though she probably does too).


THIS IS YOU: With time on your hands for virtual happy hour and pilates class because you are working less on the right things instead of all of the time on the wrong things.


THIS IS YOU: You are one of the chosen ones you used to envy…



With a little system I made for you...



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I should have been an embarrassing failure.


I brought my no name degree in criminology to New York City to make it in tech - with no connections and a COVID duration employment gap.


I accepted an entry-level job, and three years later I was an executive.


I built multimillion-dollar P&Ls, navigated mergers and acquisitions, helped scale a few startups, and realized the passion projects I kept working on, mentoring future leaders, was what I wanted to do 100% of the time.


Which brings me to today: I’ve helped millions of people solve everyday career obstacles, I have an award winning YouTube channel, and have appeared in Fast Company, Business Insider, InHerSight and many more.


My career besties have gotten the positions and promotions they craved, $40K pay raises, the recognition they deserve, and most importantly clarity on how incredible they are.

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You are looking for your next job, and know LinkedIn can help.


You are eager to impress anyone who lurks your profile.

You dream of having recruiter sliding into your InMails, bringing opportunities to you instead of the other way around.

You know it can be used for networking, since the usual IRL events are all on paus.


But you are clueless on where to start.


You want to hide under a blanket if someone mentions 'profile optimization'

You aren't sure if you're at the stage in your career where companies will come to you.

But you see the possibilities that come with having a powerful online presence.

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You are 4 weeks aways from transforming your career from stuck to skyrocketing

Career Glow Up Program

What you'll find inside the program...

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Staged for Success

Get clear AF...

  • Define success on your terms: get crystal clear on what you actually want in your career so we can make your plan to get it!

  • Your awesomeness simplified: Deep-dive into uncovering your UAQ so you can use it to elevate and accelerate your career.

Make Them SHIP You

Identify and plan strategic (and unignorable) impact

  • The Nexus: Where your UAQ meets the company’s needs, you’ll identify your Strategic High Impact Project (SHIP).

  • Give a SHIP: Make a plan to make your impact happen.

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Cultivate Connections

Establish your success squad

  • Squad Audit: Evaluate the relationships you have and focus on building them.

  • Network of Advocates: Curate your circle with the players you need to accelerate your career.

  • Expand your Circle: Strategically and authentically grow your network at your company (and beyond if you want to). 

Shameless Self-Promotion

Learn how to self-promote without boasting, bragging or otherwise bothersome behavior.

  • Trail of Awesomeness: Raise awareness (and block against credit thieves) with tactics to raise awareness about your impact.

  • Passive Promotion Strategies: Avoid the awkward tooting of your own horn by getting others to brag about you - without ever asking them to.

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(course value $1,088)

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SOS Button

(value $497)

While you can totally implement this on your own, we don't want you scratching your head and struggling to have your Career Glow Up. You'll get SOS button support for 6 weeks after you join to get your glow up Q's A'ed.

Ritual Reset Suite

(value $197)

New approaches are hard, and we don't want you struggling to this in. This suite includes three rapid implementation trainings that will make your Career Glow Up a breeze: Design Your Life, Success Habits, and Time Hygiene. 

total value of $1,782

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You have the esteem and admiration of your boss, your coworkers, and your peers. Opportunities are falling in your lap (and into your DMs).  You are valued, and it shows up in how people treat you - and in your bank account (no more pay gap here).


You are confident in yourself, your career, and your impact. 


And you can't believe how simple this all was to achieve...



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Join the Career Glow Up Launch Squad, and you get it all...


Immediate lifetime access to the Career Glow Up Program


Glow Up support with the SOS Button


Curate the life you want with the Ritual Reset Suite

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What is a career glow up?

How long will my career glow up take?

What if I have no idea what I’m doing?

I'm in a toxic workplace. Will this help me?

Can I do this with a friend?

What if I get stuck?

I don’t know what I want to do with my life, will this help?

My team needs this, can I buy multiple seats? Do you offer this as a workshop?

Can I do the program more than once?

Do you guarantee results?

What if it doesn’t work for me?

The Career Glow Up Program is Unlike Any Other...

The Others

  • Gain clarity through inventories and assessments, the latter of which are generally flawed and designed to put you in a box.

  • Feeling stuck? It must be time for a new job, let’s write a resume!

  • Focus on changing jobs as the solution to the stuck point.

Career Glow Up

  • Like taking tests? Go for it! But first, we’re going to help you determine what success actually is *to you* - because eff what society thinks. This is all about you.

  • A proven process to get you unstuck where you’re at (unless you want a new job)

  • Total career transformation and deep confidence in your awesomeness and your potential.

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To be honest, most don’t.

Maybe being exceptional isn't for you. 


It’s meant for someone who’s ready to step into their awesomeness


It’s meant for the person who is tired of trying to fit in when they are born to stand out.


It’s meant for the person who is bold enough to abandon the playbook that feels safe but wasn’t made for them, and chart their own path to success.


It’s meant for the person who is ready to break the mold and make a new one.


Someone ready to stop being who they think they should be and focus on who they are unapologetically.


Someone ready to be intentional and committed to their success and to rising to their potential (and beyond).


Do you have the courage to build not just this kind of career, but this life?


If you do, keep reading my friend.


If not, wipe the sweat from your brow and go back to envy-scrolling on LinkedIn, because this in not the place for you.

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Here is everything you get when you join....

Immediate access to the Career Grow Up Trainings 


Workbooks, validators, and other tools to help you complete each step along the way.


The SOS button for when you get stuck on any of the steps so I can swoop in to your rescue.


The fast track formula to living your best life with the Ritual Reset Suite.

Become a NegotiateHER
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And it's all backed up with our

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Realize you can't stand Jennifer's West Coast Canadian twang? Feel like the tactics are not for you? Decided you prefer to unnoticeable, unacknowledged and unremarkable?


Look, if you're not happy we're not happy. And then we get frown lines, and let's face it - our ability to get the fillers we need to smooth those out is seriously impeded right now. To calm your fears and our stress lines, we have a no questions asked money-back guarantee within 30 days.


(Okay, we do ask SOME questions because if we can fix your concerns we want to, but we won't make you jump through hoops or prove you have said sacrificial prayers to get your money back).

All the results referenced in our client success stories are our personal results or those of our most exceptional clients. We’re not implying you’ll automatically have the same results - yours will be different. Most people who buy ANY online program or course get little to no results. Examples are to give you a sense of what is possible based on what our clients have accomplished. Your results will vary and depend on many factors and we do not guarantee results.

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